We envision a world in which all people are empowered to use their creativity and self-expression to better their lives and the lives of others.


Our mission is to help people write, record, and perform original music to promote empathy, transform lives, and inspire the world one song at a time.


We believe that every single person has something unique and valuable to contribute to others and that it is in this act of service that we find our highest calling and can have a lasting impact on our communities and world.

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What We’re ABout

Our Values


We believe that every single person has something unique and valuable to contribute to others and that it is in this act of service that we find our highest calling and can have a lasting impact on our communities and world



Defined as “the ability to share someone else’s feelings, experiences and emotions by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation,” we believe that the key to effectively tackling the biggest challenges we face on an individual, interpersonal, community, and global level is to intentionally learn and practice the lost Art of empathy.


We believe that every person is worthy of honor, love and connection with no other conditions but that they are human beings with inherent dignity..


We believe that creating art helps fulfill the human need to be seen and understood and serves as a starting point for people to bring their highest aspirations for themselves and their lives into real time and space. given a context of freedom to try and fail, with the expectation of creating original content, people will not only hone their ability to say, “this is who i am and this is what is important to me”, but they may find it easier to translate that into action in other parts of their lives.


We Strive for the highest level of quality in everything we do, from how we treat people and our partner organizations, to how we approach songwriting, music production, live performances and of course, the quality of the music itself.