Mobile Studio
We come to you and facilitate a variety of music creation groups.

MI Event (International Make Music Day) in 2018 where 100 people came together and each sang one line of Bill Withers’ Lean On Me
MI Studio
We provide everything: recording, live stage, lessons, videos etc.

MI Studios is open to the public, free of charge, throughout the week thanks in part to the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services.
We collaborate with agencies to measure impact of the arts on mental health.
In partnership with Dr. Philip Corlett’s Belief Lab, and Yale’s PRCH, we were awarded a NIH grant to study our program’s impact on hallucinations.
Hear from the people who’s lives were impacted by our program
"Adam was ECMH Keynote Speaker at 2020 Online ECMH Conference and again, with Jeremiah Brown, at 10th European Conference on Mental Health in Lisbon, Portugal in 2022. Both of these Keynotes raised a lot of attention, questions and emotions. In Lisbon, their Keynote was a wonderful start for the whole conference and the atmosphere they created lasted during the whole conference.
Based on our evaluations and feedback, it is obvious that Musical Intervention is potential method to improve mental wellbeing and mental health among different communities in different countries. We are committed to share the idea of Musical Intervention in our global networks.
Finally, we are deeply grateful for the good and warm collaboration we have with Musical Intervention, we do our best that it can continue also in the future. Our values at ECMH are Equality, Friendliness, Trustworthiness and Joy. Musical Intervention fits perfectly in ECMH Family by showing in practice how these values can come true in a global learning and education event."

European conference on Mental health